Thursday, April 10, 2008

United States of Bush

“Terrorism is killing The Constitution, and his name is George Bush”, is a very informative blog. It is terrifying to know that government documents such as the Bill of Rights, which we have been governed by since 1791, can be disregarded and violated as it has been by the very person that was chosen to uphold them. After reading the blog I did some research of my own and found nothing but article upon article about how George Bush has violated several amendments since he has been in office.

“Terrorism is killing the Constitution…” was an excellent blog as it gave readers some insight into how their own rights are being violated (hopefully they already knew). It spoke about the airport where a lot of Americans can witness this first hand. Safety is definitely the main concern, however, the way that the screenings and searches are being conducted is the issue. The blog addresses how TSA (Transportation Security Administration) agents are given authority to do just about anything, to screen and search anyone and for any reason. This authority may very well be abused. Like in the case of Mandi Hamlin, the woman the blog mentioned, who was forced to remove her nipple rings with male agents laughing in the background while trying to depart from Lubbock, Texas. Although reports that TSA claims the agent followed procedures, however, they also agree that these same procedures need to be changed.

The blog also points out that you can be surprised with a “random” search due to a variety of irrational reasons. It would be nice to know what basis they were conducting the searches, unfortunately that information is not public knowledge. After 9/11 my sister and brother-in-law, who’s last name just happens to be Muhammad, always have the pleasure of being held up at the security gate of an Airport for extra screening or mysteriously blocked from sending family members $100.00 through Western Union to another city in Texas. I don’t know… maybe in their case it’s their last name; the color of their skin; or perhaps the fact that they’re Muslim sporting a hijab (head scarf)? Whatever the case may be, they are now labeled as a possible risk. This is sad because they are good, law abiding Americans.

It seems as though George Bush envisions a dictatorship… a United States of Bush. He adds his own amendments to the Constitution and Bill of Rights as he sees fit. The fourth and fifth amendment has just about been abolished and he seems to have single handedly destroyed the constitution. I for one am happy his reign is coming to an end.

"If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator." —President-elect George W. Bush, at a photo-op with congressional leaders during his first trip to Capitol Hill, Washington, D.C., Dec. 19, 2000

“Our Constitution is in actual operation; everything appears to promise that it will last; but in this world nothing is certain but death and taxes.” --Benjamin Franklin

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